State properties

These are returned in an object by useAsync() or provided by <Async> as render props to the children function:

  • data Last resolved promise value, maintained when new error arrives.

  • error Rejected promise reason, cleared when new data arrives.

  • value The value of data or error, whichever was last updated.

  • initialValue The data or error that was provided through the initialValue prop.

  • startedAt When the current/last promise was started.

  • finishedAt When the last promise was fulfilled or rejected.

  • status One of: initial, pending, fulfilled, rejected.

  • isInitial true when no promise has ever started, or one started but was cancelled.

  • isPending true when a promise is currently awaiting settlement. Alias: isLoading

  • isFulfilled true when the last promise was fulfilled. Alias: isResolved

  • isRejected true when the last promise was rejected.

  • isSettled true when the last promise was fulfilled or rejected (not initial or pending).

  • counter The number of times a promise was started.

  • promise A reference to the internal wrapper promise, which can be chained on.

  • run Invokes the deferFn.

  • reload Re-runs the promise when invoked, using any previous arguments.

  • cancel Cancel any pending promise.

  • setData Sets data to the passed value, unsets error and cancels any pending promise.

  • setError Sets error to the passed value and cancels any pending promise.



Last resolved promise value, maintained when new error arrives.



Rejected promise reason, cleared when new data arrives.


any | Error

The data or error that was last provided (either through initialValue or by settling a promise).


any | Error

The data or error that was originally provided through the initialValue prop.



Tracks when the current/last promise was started.



Tracks when the last promise was resolved or rejected.



One of: initial, pending, fulfilled, rejected. These are available for import as statusTypes.



true while no promise has started yet, or one was started but cancelled.



true while a promise is pending (loading), false otherwise.

Alias: isLoading



true when the last promise was fulfilled (resolved to a value).

Alias: isResolved



true when the last promise was rejected.



true when the last promise was either fulfilled or rejected (i.e. not initial or pending)



The number of times a promise was started.



A reference to the internal wrapper promise created when starting a new promise (either automatically or by invoking run / reload). It fulfills or rejects along with the provided promise / promiseFn / deferFn. Useful as a chainable alternative to the onResolve / onReject callbacks.

Warning! If you chain on promise, you MUST provide a rejection handler (e.g. .catch(...)). Otherwise React will throw an exception and crash if the promise rejects.


function(...args: any[]): void

Runs the deferFn, passing any arguments provided as an array.

When used with useFetch, run has several overloaded signatures:

function(override: OverrideParams | (params: OverrideParams) => OverrideParams): void

function(event: SyntheticEvent | Event): void

function(): void

Where type OverrideParams = { resource?: RequestInfo } & Partial<RequestInit>.

This way you can run the fetch request with custom resource and init. If override is an object it will be spread over the default resource and init for fetch. If it's a function it will be invoked with the params defined with useFetch, and should return an override object. This way you can either extend or override the value of resource and init, for example to change the URL or set custom request headers.


function(): void

Re-runs the promise when invoked, using the previous arguments.


function(): void

Cancels the currently pending promise by ignoring its result and calls abort() on the AbortController.


function(data: any, callback?: () => void): any

Function that sets data to the passed value, unsets error and cancels any pending promise. Takes an optional callback which is invoked after the state update is completed. Returns the data to enable chaining.


function(error: Error, callback?: () => void): Error

Function that sets error to the passed value and cancels any pending promise. Takes an optional callback which is invoked after the state update is completed. Returns the error to enable chaining.

Last updated

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